Sendai City has been promoting social innovation in disaster prevention and disaster relief under the “Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030”, one of the world’s major agendas that is specified in the target of SDGs.
WATCH is seeking for innovative solutions from all over the world. Here we provide business matching opportunities with leading Japanese corporations and development resources for your proposals.
WATCH welcomes all global companies and startups that are interested in expanding disaster risk reduction business to the Japanese market and global market.

now it’s time to turn your vision into reality and show your potential to the world.
“BOSAI” is a convenient and traditional Japanese term which encompasses a comprehensive concept from disaster risk reduction to reconstruction and recovery. After experiencing the Great East Japan Earthquake, Sendai city has continually sought innovative solutions through leading-edge technologies in order to avoid catastrophes happening again.
“BOSAI-TECH”, an initiative that tries to achieve the wishes from all the stakeholders in our living environment, aiming to develop BOSAI concept with leading-edge technologies.
Tokio Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co., Ltd.
Tokio Marine is the largest multinational insurance holding company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Main business of Tokio Marine are Management of non-life insurance companies, life insurance companies, specialized securities companies.
While Tokio Marine has continually promotion innovation solutions in Bosai area to create a safer living environment.3D simulations in disaster management
We would like to conduct simulations within 3D space(It called city-based digital twin) and, we provide quantify disaster risks.For example, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and landslides.
we can provide such risk information to local governments and private sectors.
we can provide insights on what types of actions to mitigate the disaster risks.
key word
- Sensing or data-acquisition technologies of 3D point cloud data using aircraft, drones, automobiles or any kinds of mobile objects.
- 3D visualization technology using 3D point cloud data in a very high resolution
- Natural disaster simulation within a 3D virtual space
- Capabilities of generating mobile objects within a 3D virtual space
- Damage estimation of buildings and infrastructure within the virtual space
NTT DOCOMO, Japan's largest telecommunications company, provides innovative, convenient and secure mobile services that enable customers to realize smarter lives. We serves 82.63 million customers* with the total market share of 43.8% in Japan via advanced wireless networks. NTT DOCOMO will create new added value with business partners to enrich people's lives with all-new services and businesses. *Data at 2021/3/31.
*Data at 2021/3/31.Problem solution through the use of the technologies such as video transmission, video analysis, XR, robotics, etc.
Early assessment of the disaster situation
In this theme, we call for technology applications that will enable early disaster assessment and early notification to the public and disaster response team, leading to the secure evacuation action.
Notification to the public of appropriate evacuation routes
In this theme, we call for technology applications that will enable the planning of adequate evacuation routes in the event of a disaster and notification to the public and disaster response team, leading to the appropriate evacuation action.
Search for rescuee
In this theme, we call for technology applications that will enable accurate disaster assessment and early search for persons in need of rescue, leading to the reduction of sufferers.
key word
- XR:VR (virtual reality),
AR (augmented reality) and MR (mixed reality) - video analysis
- robotics
Opportunity to partner
with Japanese leading
corporations. -
Full Supports from JETRO
for business expansion
in Japan.The supports from JETRO will start
after the matching is progressing. -
Contribute to the environment
by using high technologies
and save more lives.
11/15 18:00JST
Application Deadline
Finalize your proposal
- Kickoff with Partners
- Pitch Preparation
- Side Events
Final Pitch Event
POC planning
Let us know if you want to know more about the WATCH 2021 program.
Will be held at
- Date2021/10/21 18:00 JST
- LocationOnline
- FeeFree
- Opening Greetings from Sendai City3min
- Special welcome from JETRO3min
- WATCH Program guidelines3min
- NTT docomo’s challenge10min
- Tokio Marine & Nichido challenge10min
- Wrap up1min